So since it not hits any other rules it's fine and you won't get any ban for it but you might upset some people which just not understand the mod if you use it public and they will call you a cheater for killing 3 guards without a pager going off. And for the players everyone who joins is free to leave the game if he did not like it. The changes to the mechanics will confuse random players. I think it makes stealth too easy so I haven't really used it other than for fun Mods like that are best used solo or with friends. Last edited by No running in the quarentine 17 Aug, am.
Expect lots of trash talk, gray zone mod and every other comment about this kind of thing. No running in the quarentine View Profile View Posts.
Can i get a ban for this? Because it brings a new pager system. Hey, I am thinking about getting the Silent assassin mod from paydaymods.
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